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New energy labeling

April 21, 2023

The simplification of the energy label for household appliances, returning to the initial scale from A to G is already a reality. Since March 1, 2021, it is already mandatory for household appliances to incorporate the new energy scale, although in recent months many of the users who have bought a new washing machine, washer-dryer, refrigerator or screens (televisions or monitors) have already been able to see on the packaging the new label, living with the previous one.

New energy labeling

With this change in energy labeling in the European Union, it is hoped that the information will be clearer and more understandable for the consumer, and that they will clearly perceive which is the most efficient option. It had been found that with the A +, A ++ and A +++ labels, the motivation to buy more efficient appliances was lower than with the A to G scale: consumers were less inclined to opt for the appliances “first class” without a clear “buy A” message.

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