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Biomass energy is energy obtained from the combustion of organic matter. The source from which we get it is biomass, originated by the different biological processes that occur on a daily basis.
The aerothermal system works with state-of-the-art heat pumps designed to provide cooling in summer, heating in winter and additionally it can also provide hot water all year round.
The operation of aerothermal energy goes through environmental energy contained in the air temperature, transferring it to the rooms and running water.
Aerothermal energy provides more energy than it consumes. Aerothermal energy can generate up to 80% free energy.
Photovoltaic solar energy directly transforms sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic technology.
Solar panels or photovoltaic panels are the most important element within a self-consumption installation, they are responsible for transforming solar energy into electricity, these are supported by the support structure. The solar panels are connected to the “inverters”, which are a device that converts the energy generated by the panels into electrical energy suitable for the consumer's final consumption.
The thermosolar energy or thermal solar energy, consists of the use of the Sun's energy to produce heat that can be used for the production of hot water and also for cooking or indicated for domestic water consumption, be it heating, hot water sanitary, generating mechanical energy, and consequently electrical energy. Other uses are to power an absorption refrigeration machine, using heat instead of electricity to produce cold, taking advantage of it as air conditioning
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