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Royal Decree that will force the installation of charging points for electric cars in Spain by law

Jan. 12, 2023

The Government published Royal Decree-Law 29/2021, to adopt urgent measures in the energy field to promote electric mobility, self-consumption and the deployment of renewable energies. Spain is considered one of the countries at the tail end of the "race" for electric cars and charging points. The first quarter of the year closed in Spain with a total of 14,244 public access charging points, far from the 45,000 that are considered necessary for this year to meet European requirements.

Royal Decree that will force the installation of charging points for electric cars in Spain by law
Access to the Electric Car Chargers category


The requirement of the Royal Decree is the obligation to install charging points for electric cars in a wide variety of spaces. It is no longer just about obligations at gas stations or service stations, as well: here private non-residential parking lots and some public buildings come within the obligatory spaces.

Work centers, offices, factories, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centers, entertainment and leisure centers, educational centers such as schools and universities, as well as public parking lots... if they have more than 20 spaces in their respective car parks, must have a charging point for every 40 spaces or a fraction of them, up to 1,000 spaces, and one more charging station for every additional 100. As for the buildings owned by the General State Administration, a charging point must be installed for every 20 spaces or fraction in their car parks of up to 500 spaces, and an additional one for every 100 additional spaces.

A series of "aids" will also be provided to companies for the installation of these electric car charging points, with up to a "50 percent discount on Real Estate Tax (IBI) and of the Economic Activities Tax (IAE), and the exemption of up to 90 percent of works taxes related to the installation of charging points.

We leave you a selection of our best chargers in store.

External source: -royal-decree-obliges-to-install-by-law-charging-points-electric-cars_258636_102.html

Related category: Electric Car Charger
Electric Car Charger
Charger Commander 2 Cmx2 (22Kw / 5M / T2 / B)

Wallbox Commander 2 is the easiest and shortest way to intelligent charging of electric vehicles for companies, at the best price. Black charger with display. Durable and reliable: Certified dust and water resistance with IP54 and IK10 protection ratings, allowing for safe installation both indoors and outdoors. Nominal power of 22 Kw and a cable length of 5 m. Use temperature approx.: -40º / 70º. 4G connectivity out of the box, including a free SIM card and connectivity subscription. Ethernet and Wi-Fi options ensure an online charger and therefore high charger uptime.

Copper Sb Cpb1 Charger (22Kw/Socket/T2/B)

The Wallbox Copper SB charger offers versatility, reliability and elegance. This charger guarantees the satisfaction of EV drivers thanks to its integrated socket, which allows charging any electric vehicle on the market. Decide who has access to your charger via the RFID card reader and easily connect to the charger via the myWallbox app. Wallbox Copper SB is ideal for use in private garages or public car parks. Compatible with all Type 2 electric vehicles.

Dock Cable (Type 2 / Black) Cbldock-T2-B

Our Wallbox charging cable, compatible with all electric cars, guarantees a powerful charge when you're at home. black colour. It offers up to 22 kW of charging power. Available in the 5 and 7 m variants.

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