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Cabel Butterfly Ball Valve M-H 1/2

Brand: Cabel

Reference: 160743C

Offer: €2.74
PVP: €6.18
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Body and side: Main body and side made of European brass CW617N through a hot stamping process.

Seats : Seat made of PTFE; avoiding all types of leaks thanks to its perfect fit on metal surfaces.

Internal tightness (Closed shutter): The internal tightness of the valve is guaranteed in both directions by two seats of PTFE.

External tightness (open plug): The tightness towards the outside of the valve is guaranteed by a press nut.


• Nominal pressure: 25 bar

• Temperature range: -20ºC to

80ºC, excluding freezing.

• Fluid: Drinking water and domestic hot water.

Comments (1)

| 09/11/2024 | Verified purchase
Cabel Butterfly Ball Valve M-H 1/2

très bon article merci

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