Produit LG en option de qualité. Le service client est excellent. Livraison rapide. Que du bonheur. Merci
| 12/05/2024 | Verified purchase
Duct Connection Air Discharge Intake Phdcla0
Passt perfekt zu der Brauchwasserwärmepumpe WH27s
| 10/08/2023
Duct Connection Air Discharge Intake Phdcla0
Ottimo prezzo e disponibilità. Spedizione veloce in Italia. Grazie!!
Store response | 11/08/2023
Muchas gracias por su comentario!Esperemos tenrele otra vez como cliente
| 21/07/2023 | Verified purchase
Duct Connection Air Discharge Intake Phdcla0
Alles gut geklappt , unschlagbar im Preis (Versand dagegen teuer, aus Spanien)
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Produit LG en option de qualité. Le service client est excellent. Livraison rapide. Que du bonheur. Merci
Passt perfekt zu der Brauchwasserwärmepumpe WH27s
Ottimo prezzo e disponibilità. Spedizione veloce in Italia. Grazie!!
Muchas gracias por su comentario!Esperemos tenrele otra vez como cliente
Alles gut geklappt , unschlagbar im Preis (Versand dagegen teuer, aus Spanien)
How do reviews and ratings work?
The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.