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Mini Blanc Deluxe Condensate Pump


Reference: 5010-1018

Offer: €48.46
PVP: €95.69


Mini Blanc Deluxe Condensate Pump. Condensate pump to be mounted directly below the indoor unit of the Split. The pump can be placed at any point where there is an evaporator drain outlet. Dimensions of 115x182x55 mm.


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Technical Characteristics:

Nominal Power16W

Base color: White

Dimensions (LxWxH):115x182x55 mm

Sound level ( dbA at 3m):21 dB (A)

Flow rate (m³/h):12 l/h

Working voltage:220-240V

Installation height :12mHz:50/60

Tube outlet:Ø6 mm

Inlet:Ø21 mm

Comments (2)

| 01/12/2023 | Verified purchase
Mini Blanc Deluxe Condensate Pump

Es un buen producto.

| 10/11/2023 | Verified purchase
Mini Blanc Deluxe Condensate Pump

Hab diese Kondensatpumpe schon öfters verbaut und bin damit sehr zufrieden. Auch für Laien sehr leicht zu bedienen bzw. reinigen.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Bonjour est-ce que cette pompe s’adapte à n’importe quel marque de split , l’alimentation électrique ce fait il par le split ou faut il une alimentation externe ? En attente de votre réponse cordialement.

Store response | 22/04/2024

Si cette pompe est compatible avec tout type de split.

Quant à l'alimentation électrique, vous pouvez également vous connecter au split mais vous aurez quand même besoin d'une connexion au courant.

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