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Pulsar Plus Plp1 Charger (7.4Kw/5M/T2/B)


Reference: PLP1-0-2-2-9-002

Offer: €746.03
PVP: €834.90
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Pulsar Plus Plp1 Charger (7.4Kw/5M/T2/B)




More information

Small but powerful. Wallbox Pulsar Plus chargers have been designed for the intelligent charging of your electric vehicle with great power and an incredibly small size. Pulsar Plus is ideal for daily use at home. Power of 7.4 kW. Its compact and minimalist design fits in any garage and allows a wide variety of options thanks to the myWallbox app. black colour. Connect your charger to any smart device via Wi-Fi* or Bluetooth and access the myWallbox app to easily control the charger, plus it has DC leakage protection. Pulsar Plus, with IP54 and IK08 protection degrees, is resistant to water and dust for safe installation indoors and outdoors.

Comments (1)

| 21/11/2023 | Verified purchase
Pulsar Plus Plp1 Charger (7.4Kw/5M/T2/B)

Recebi a encomenda, mas após pedi esclarecimentos e nada de apoio pós venda Estou muito desiludido

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Bonjour, Désolé j'ai toujours un doute concernant les nouveaux sites vendeurs surtout non Français. A quelle moment le montant de la facture est-il prélevé? Merci de vos réponses. Thierry

Store response | 14/03/2023

Bonjour Thierry, la facture será possible télécharger au moment que vous fassiez l'achat, vous avez besoin de faire l'inscription au site web. Pour payer vous pouvez choisir paypal ou carte de crédit le paiement sera au même moment.


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