Reference: 900.01200099-0
SOFARSOLAR 5KTLM-G3 single-phase inverter 2 MPPT of 5.0 kW, SOFAR 5KTLM-G3
PV Inverter, 1-phase/2MPPT's, 5.0kW/5.0kVA, 90…580/600Vdc, WiFi, SINGLE PHASE and 2 MPPT
● Max. efficiency 98.3%
● Large 4-inch LCD screen
● Built-in DRM port
● Built-in DC switch
● Over/under voltage, overload, overheat, anti-islanding and many more protections
● Smart monitoring, RS485 and WiFi / Ethernet / GPRS (optional)
Measurements 315x405x135mm
Weight 11.5 kg