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Wall set Msz-Hr42Vf + Muz-Hr42Vf air conditioning Mitsubishi

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric

Reference: MSZ-HR42VF

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The Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-HR42VF air conditioner is a 1x1 Split type air conditioning unit of 3,600 Frigories with a heat pump. The Mitsubishi MSZ-HR42VF is considered one of the best air conditioners thanks to its high performance: such as the use of R-32 refrigerant gas, DC Inverter technology, A++ energy classification, silent, low consumption, value for money.




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General characteristics:
- Nominal cold capacity (min/max): 4.2 (1/4.5) kW - Rated heat capacity (min/max): 4.7(0.9/5.4)kW - Capacity in Kcal/h (cold): 3,612 Kcal/h - Capacity in Kcal/h (heat): 4,042 Kcal/h - Nominal cold/heat consumption: 1.34/1.30 kW - Cold annual electricity consumption: 226 kW/year - Annual electricity consumption for heat in the intermediate zone: 928 kW/year - Annual electricity consumption for hot zone heating: 427 kW/year/ - Energy coefficient EER/COP: 3.13/3.62 - Energy coefficient SEER(Label): 6.5(A++) - Energy coefficient SCOP intermediate climatic zone (label): 4.3 (A+) - Energy coefficient SCOP hot climate zone (label): 5.2 (A+++) - Voltage/Phases-Maximum intensity: 230/1 8,V/F-A - Liquid/gas pipe diameter: 6.35/9.52 mm 1/4-3/8" - Maximum vertical/total pipe length: 12/20m - Outdoor temperature operating range for refrigeration: -10/+46ºC - Outdoor temperature operating range for heating: -10/+24ºC
Internal unit data: - Air flow (Low/medium/high/maximum): 6.8/7/10.8/13.1m3/min - Sound level (Low/medium/high/maximum): 24/34/39/45 dB(A) - Sound power: 60 dB(A) - Dimensions height x width x depth: 280x838x228mm - Weight: 9kg
External unit data: - Air flow: 34.3 m3/min. - Sound level: 50 dB(A) - Sound power: 64 dB(A) - Measurements height x width x depth: 550x800x285mm - Weight: 34kg - Refrigerant/quantity: R-32/0.7/675/0.47 Pre-charge kg/ GWP/TCO2 EQ

Comments (1)

| 28/09/2022
Wall set Msz-Hr42Vf + Muz-Hr42Vf air conditioning Mitsubishi

Marca de confianza y muy buenos precios en la web

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Questions (1)


¿El modelo me valdría para una buhardilla de unos 50 m cuadrados?. Solo quiero que caliente sin sudar y enfríe algo sin pasar frío. Gracias

Store response | 06/10/2022

Hola José Antonio, al ser un buhardilla habría que saber si el techo esta aislado ya que en las buhardillas  suele existir una temperatura más alta en verano. Para calentar la estancia no habría problema con esta potencia pero para enfriarla puede ser un poco justo, aunque si el techo esta aislado si que te valdría. Saludos!

Te adjunto una calculadora para que puedas hacer el calculo aproximado de frigorías necesarias:

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